Sunday, July 20, 2008

Prof. Shlomo Dubnov

I have had some collaboration with Prof. Shlomo Dubnov from UCSD (University California San Diego).
He is in the music department. One of his major work is Machine Improvisation:
I was so impressed and it was a good collaboration. Now he is going back to UC. I hope that the collaboration is going to the next step successfully.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

ICT Minister

先日,訳あってインドネシアの情報通信大臣とのミーティングに参加させて頂いた. この方
インドネシア共和国 Minister & Prof. Mohammad NUH
大学の先生をされていたので,日本の技術的な話も一瞬で理解しておらた. やはり技術をきちんとわかった上で政治もやる,ということが重要である. 我々の国にも必要ではないだろうか.